Getting Started


The Xanadu Sphinx Theme requires Python 3.7 or later. The latest version of the XST can be installed directly from the GitHub repository using pip:

pip install xanadu-sphinx-theme

Setting up the theme

Once installed, simply add or modify the following variables of your Sphinx configuration file to start using the Xanadu Sphinx Theme:

from xanadu_sphinx_theme import templates_dir

# Add Xanadu Sphinx Theme autosummary templates
templates_path = [templates_dir()]

html_theme = "xanadu"

html_theme_options = {
    "navbar_name": "Example Project",
    "navbar_logo_colour": "#123456",

    "navbar_home_link": "",

    "github_repo": "",
    "navbar_left_links": [
            "name": "Tutorials",
            "href": "",
            "img": "_static/tutorial.png",
            "img_width": "30px",
            "name": "Install",
            "href": "install.html",
            "name": "Documentation",
            "href": "index.html",
            "active": True,

    "navbar_right_links": [
            "name": "FAQ",
            "href": "",
            "icon": "fas fa-question",
            "name": "GitHub",
            "href": "",
            "icon": "fab fa-github",

    "extra_copyrights": [
        "TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo, and any related marks are "
        "trademarks of Google Inc."

    "google_analytics_tracking_id": "UA-116279123-2",

    "prev_next_button_colour": "#b13a59",
    "prev_next_button_hover_colour": "#712b3d",
    "toc_marker_colour": "#b13a59",
    "table_header_background_colour": "#ffdce5",
    "border_colour": "#b13a59",
    "text_accent_colour": "#b13a59",