
The Xanadu Sphinx Theme implements the custom Sphinx directives listed below. For more information, consult the relevant Python module in the directives package.

Community Card

.. community-card::
    :title: Weighted SubSpace QAOA to find maximum graph cliques
    :date: 03/07/2022
    :author: John Smith, Jane Doe

    An explanation of the work.

Weighted SubSpace QAOA to find maximum graph cliques

John Smith, Jane Doe


An explanation of the work.

Details Dropdown

.. details::
    :title: Important Details
    :href: important-details

    In general, the block takes D parameters and **must** have the following signature:

    .. code-block:: python

        unitary(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterD, wires)

    For a block with multiple parameters, ``n_params_block`` is equal to the number of parameters in ``block``.
    For a block with a single parameter, ``n_params_block`` is equal to the length of the parameter array.

.. details::
    :title: Usage Details

    This function can be used with any of the supported autodifferentiation frameworks. It also supports
    just-in-time compilation with JAX:

    .. code-block:: python

        jax.jit(unitary)(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterD, wires)


In general, the block takes D parameters and must have the following signature:

unitary(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterD, wires)

For a block with multiple parameters, n_params_block is equal to the number of parameters in block. For a block with a single parameter, n_params_block is equal to the length of the parameter array.

This function can be used with any of the supported autodifferentiation frameworks. It also supports just-in-time compilation with JAX:

jax.jit(unitary)(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterD, wires)

Index Card

.. index-card::
    :name: Using the theme
    :link: started.html
    :description: Get started using the Xanadu Sphinx theme

Title Card

.. title-card::
    :name: 'lightning.qubit'
    :description: A fast state-vector qubit simulator written in C++

.. raw:: html

    <div style='clear:both'>

YouTube Video

.. youtube-video:: WOLzqeuXVT8
    :title: PennyLane, a framework for quantum programming
    :author: Xanadu, a Toronto-based quantum computing company

Author bio

.. bio:: John Smith
    :photo: _static/teleport.png

    Write the author bio content here. It must be preceded by a blank line.
John Smith

John Smith

Write the author bio content here. It must be preceded by a blank line.